42 legacy growth regulator label
Harrell's | Legacy Turf Growth Regulator 2.5gal. (Agency) The all-in-one PGR excels in extending the duration of growth regulation, reducing the "rebound effect," and limiting Poa annua encroachment in cool- and warm-season turf. Legacy integrates patented synergistic PGR technology to provide superior growth regulation and turf quality in perennial cool- and warm-season turf. The Legacy synergism is a product of dual sites of action and plant ... Legacy - Advanced Turf Solutions Legacy. The Next Generation of Turf Growth Regulation Technology. Enhanced growth suppression Improved turfgrass color and quality Extended spray intervals Reduced "bronzing" Elimination of the "rebound" effect More uniform growth regulation on mixed turfgrass varieties Stops the encroachment of Poa annua Packaging: 2 x 2.5 gallon per case
Legacy Growth Regulator Label - 2 | Jevrem Mandel Legacy plant growth regulator (pgr) integrates patented synergistic plant growth regulator technology to reduce stem elongation and leaf blade length in . For growth management and quality improvement of. Synergistic growth regulation, resulting from its dual sites of action and plant uptake, . See label for complete application instructions.
Legacy growth regulator label
Legacy | SLIDEBLAST.COM Growth regulation from Legacy results from suppression of the plant hormone, gibberellic acid (GA), responsible for cell elongation in most plants. Legacy's patented site of action plant growth regulator (PGR) synergy results in growth suppression, improved turfgrass color and quality, extended spray intervals, and suppression of Poa annua. PDF LEGACY SPECIMEN 10-4-19 PA - SePRO Legacy's patented site of action plant growth regulator (PGR) synergy results in growth suppression, improved turfgrass color and quality, extended spray intervals, and suppression of Poa annua. Plant physiological advantages to applications of this product include: 1.Multiple plant sites of uptake: Legacy is absorbed by plants via roots, Proxy Growth Regulator Label - Bayer Proxy® Growth Regulator is a plant growth regulator that may be used to suppress the formation of seedheads of various plants including Poa annuaand white clover and also to suppress the growth of certain cool season grasses. Proxy Growth Regulator is foliarly absorbed and is most effective on actively growing healthy turf.
Legacy growth regulator label. Legacy | SePRO Corporation Legacy ® Superior Growth Regulation Product Overview Legacy is the all-in-one PGR. Excels at providing consistent growth regulation between applications Reduces the "rebound effect" Limits Poa annua encroachment in cool- and warm-season turf Integrates patented synergistic PGR technology to provide superior growth regulation and turf quality Anuew™ - US - Turf - Nufarm First EPA-approved label with Growing Degree Day (GDD) application modeling TRACK IT WITH GREENKEEPER Worth the Switch: Cool Season REASON #1 - EXTENDED CONTROL Gain an average of two extra regulation days for consistent suppression and fewer clippings, from day one to day 14. Proxy Growth Regulator Label - Bayer Proxy® Growth Regulator is a plant growth regulator that may be used to suppress the formation of seedheads of various plants including Poa annuaand white clover and also to suppress the growth of certain cool season grasses. Proxy Growth Regulator is foliarly absorbed and is most effective on actively growing healthy turf. PDF LEGACY SPECIMEN 10-4-19 PA - SePRO Legacy's patented site of action plant growth regulator (PGR) synergy results in growth suppression, improved turfgrass color and quality, extended spray intervals, and suppression of Poa annua. Plant physiological advantages to applications of this product include: 1.Multiple plant sites of uptake: Legacy is absorbed by plants via roots,
Legacy | SLIDEBLAST.COM Growth regulation from Legacy results from suppression of the plant hormone, gibberellic acid (GA), responsible for cell elongation in most plants. Legacy's patented site of action plant growth regulator (PGR) synergy results in growth suppression, improved turfgrass color and quality, extended spray intervals, and suppression of Poa annua.
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